
The Unbalanced Butterfly

Henry designed his ‘Lotto Ticket’ strategy to boost profit potential far beyond a traditional Butterfly


With Henry Gambell, VP of Simpler Trading


Choose the The Unbalanced Butterfly Strategy You Want:

What's Included:

Strategy Class
Value $997

Recorded Live Trading
Value $997

Simpler Options Monthly
Value $247



  • Strategy Class
    Value $997
  • Recorded Live Trading
    Value $997
  • Simpler Options Monthly
    Value $247


  • Strategy Class
    Value $997
  • Recorded Live Trading
    Value $997
  • Simpler Options Monthly
    Value $247
  • Best Value



  • Strategy Class
    Value $997
  • Recorded Live Trading
    Value $997
  • Simpler Options Monthly
    Value $247
  • By submitting your payment, you agree to our terms and conditions.


    With this little-known setup Henry gains an almost unfair advantage over other options traders

    The Unbalanced Butterfly

    Unbalanced Butterfly Strategy Class + Recorded Live Trading + Simpler Options Monthly

    The Unbalanced Butterfly strategy is an options trading strategy that exploits short-term option income opportunities with strictly limited risk.

    Henry leans on this as one of his favorite (and most consistent) setups in his options trading arsenal.

    Anyone wanting to step up their game with this intermediate to advanced strategy can discover how Henry maximizes his profit potential before he puts on a trade.

    Here the Unbalanced Butterfly strategy helped Henry lock in a quick $900 on AAPL:


    The key to getting a 100% more out of the trade was doing – NOTHING


    If you want weekly options income with the potential for windfall gains, you’ll love how Henry designed the Unbalanced Butterfly to stack the odds strongly in his favor.

    Unbalanced Flys can make even higher returns when price “pins” at your target. By knowing when to hold ‘em, it’s possible to cash in this “lotto” ticket potential.

    As you saw on that AAPL trade, a little patience was worth close to 100% greater gains…

    Henry credits this ONE setup as his real “bread and butter” strategy. With the Unbalanced Butterfly course, you can learn exactly when to use this powerful setup.

    In this Exclusive Training You’ll Discover:

    How to rig the odds in your favor so that you can profit even in a highly volatile market (just like recent winners in AMZN, GOOGL, and APPL)

    How to exploit the fact that an Unbalanced Butterfly only faces risk from one direction (so you can win over and over because this strategy gives price room to breathe)

    How to actively trade an Unbalanced Butterfly even if you can’t watch the market during the day (potentially generate steady income almost on ‘autopilot’)

    How this strategy can provide steady growth and consistent income for even smaller accounts

    Learn advanced “in the trenches” secrets on how to maximize profits while minimizing risk (and rookie mistakes you can easily avoid when you follow a simple checklist)

    This limited time offer includes everything you need to master Henry’s Unbalanced Butterfly strategy. While other options traders get whipsawed by volatile conditions, you’ll know Henry’s ‘Lotto Trade’ formula that risks a little to potentially make a lot (and you don’t have to be glued to the market, either).

    Imagine having Henry Gambell’s bread-and-butter options income strategy that he uses to target consistent returns in volatile conditions. In this Strategy Class, Henry delivers the complete details of how he designs these setups with limited risk. And how he creates a way to profit even when he’s wrong on market direction!

    As part of this exclusive offer you can also get the recordings of Henry live trading the Unbalanced Butterfly!

    It’s like watching over Henry’s shoulder to learn how he stacks the odds in his favor. These live-trading recordings let you see exactly how Henry identifies and executes this strategy in real market conditions. This is the best way to take action on what you discover in the strategy class.


    But, wait! There’s more!

    You can even choose to get The Elite Package which includes Simpler Options Monthly Membership (renewed monthly). We understand how trading can be a lonely adventure.

    With our Options Monthly Membership, you get to connect with Henry Gambell and our team of traders as they share trading ideas in real-time during live chat room sessions.

    When you’re an Options member you get access to all of this:

    Live Trading

    Get monthly live-trading sessions where you can watch TG’s charts in real-time during interactive online sessions.

    Real-Time Trade Alerts

    Download our free app to receive instant updates on TG’s trading ideas and what’s happening in the market.

    Profit Pilot Newsletter

    Get weekly updates from TG on market analysis, tips, tricks, and special bonuses directly to your inbox.

    Trade Spreadsheet

    Follow along with updated trades to see what TG has open and when

    Exclusive Q&A

    Following the live-trading sessions, there will be an interactive Q&A with TG.

    Learning Center

    Through your member dashboard you’ll get 24/7 access to this powerful feature.

    As an active Options member, you’ll see our latest strategies in action. Why trade alone when you can get trading ideas from our team in real-time?

    Here’s what others say about trading with Henry Gambell:


    “Henry, thanks for how much effort you obviously put into structure and content of the class AND every minute follow up with the trading sessions....I look forward to replaying the class and the trading sessions....the BEST....”


    “Thank you! I finally have a strategy that fits my style!!”


    “ty Henry. It's great to hear your thought process on the trade structuring.”


    “Great class from Henry, he put a totally different spin to Butterflys and Iron Flys with very limited and defined risk”


    “I have never taken one with Henry and I was so impressed! He has a serious talent for taking complex ideas and making them easy to understand. He also demonstrates a real hunger to give you as much as he possibly can in the amount of time allotted. You can feel it! His preparation was obvious and thorough and his calm demeanor while walking you through the details of his workshop created - for me - an atmosphere of peaceful, centered learning. The guy is a really gifted teacher! I will not hesitate to take another workshop with him.”


    “Henry! As always its pleasant to listen to your explanation for options trading! and at the same time you help to develop the personality and self confidence, Thank you so much!!”

    - K.N.

    Who is Henry Gambell?

    Vice President of Simpler Trading and Senior Managing Director of Options Trading

    Henry is known as the absolute “zen master” when it comes to trading. He provides the cool, calm, and collected side of trading — a side most traders struggle with for years. That’s what makes him so invaluable as the Lead Content Provider and options trading mentor. He brings a patient, analytical approach to the market.

    Henry is the Vice President of Simpler Trading and can be found in the Simpler Options and Fibonacci chatrooms. He has a knack for breaking down hard to understand macro topics to a finite, easy to digest, micro level.

    During his sessions, he focuses heavily on scanning for new setups, managing open trades, and patiently and methodically walking traders through new trade ideas.

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